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What are the characteristics of semiconductor duct spraying

Source:m.zgzjshuhuayuan.com      Release date: 2024年11月08日
Information summary:Semiconductor duct spraying has the following characteristics: 1. High corrosion resistance: During the semiconductor production process, acidic and alkaline corrosive gases such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, chlorine gas, and ammonia gas are generated, so the corrosion resistance requirements for air ducts are relatively high. Spray coating materials usually have
Semiconductor duct spraying has the following characteristics:
1. High corrosion resistance:
      During the semiconductor production process, acidic and alkaline corrosive gases such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, chlorine gas, and ammonia gas are generated, so the corrosion resistance requirements for air ducts are relatively high. Spray coating materials usually have excellent chemical corrosion resistance, such as PTFE coating materials, which can effectively resist the erosion of these corrosive gases, ensuring that the air duct will not be corroded or damaged during long-term use, and ensuring the stable operation of the exhaust emission system.
2. High purity and purity:
      Semiconductor manufacturing has very strict requirements for environmental cleanliness. As a channel for exhaust emissions, the cleanliness inside the air duct directly affects the production environment. The surface of the air duct after spraying is smooth, not prone to dust accumulation, and does not produce particles or other pollutants, which can meet the high-purity cleanliness requirements of semiconductor production and avoid pollution to semiconductor products.
3. High temperature resistance:
      During the semiconductor production process, high-temperature exhaust gas may be generated, and the air duct needs to be able to withstand a certain level of high temperature. Spraying materials have good high temperature resistance and can maintain stable performance in high temperature environments without deformation, melting, or other problems, ensuring the normal operation of exhaust emission systems.
4. Good wear resistance:
      During the installation and use of air ducts, they may experience certain friction and wear. The surface of the air duct after spraying has high hardness and wear resistance, which can resist friction and wear and prolong the service life of the air duct.
5. Uniformity and controllability:
      By adopting excellent spraying technology, the uniform distribution of the coating on the surface of the air duct can be ensured, ensuring the quality and performance of the coating. At the same time, the thickness of the coating and the range of spraying can be controlled correctly according to specific needs to meet the requirements of different semiconductor production processes.
6. Environmental friendliness:
     There is less waste generated during the spraying process, and the spraying material itself has less pollution to the environment. Some spraying materials can also be recycled and reused to meet environmental requirements.
7. High construction efficiency:
     With the application of automated spraying equipment, the spraying efficiency of semiconductor air ducts has been greatly improved. Automated equipment can achieve rapid spraying operations, reducing manual errors and labor intensity, while also shortening the construction period.
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