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What are the advantages of spiral shaft is sprayed with alumina coating

Source:m.zgzjshuhuayuan.com      Release date: 2025年01月13日
Information summary:Spiral shaft is sprayed with alumina coating has multiple advantages: 1. Good wear resistance Aluminum oxide has a relatively high hardness, with a Mohs hardness of up to 9. After forming a coating on the surface of the spiral shaft, it can reduce the wear and tear of the shaft itself in the face of long-term friction and compression of the material. For example, in the scenario of ore cru
Spiral shaft is sprayed with alumina coating has multiple advantages:
1. Good wear resistance
      Aluminum oxide has a relatively high hardness, with a Mohs hardness of up to 9. After forming a coating on the surface of the spiral shaft, it can reduce the wear and tear of the shaft itself in the face of long-term friction and compression of the material. For example, in the scenario of ore crushing and conveying, materials carrying sharp ore particles constantly come into contact with the spiral shaft, which is protected by an alumina coating. The wear rate of the shaft can be slowed down several times, significantly extending the service life of the spiral shaft.
2. Strong corrosion resistance
      The alumina coating has a dense structure and can act as a physical barrier to prevent external corrosive media such as acids, alkalis, and salts from coming into contact with the spiral axis substrate. In industries such as chemical and papermaking, where the production environment is filled with a large amount of corrosive chemicals, even if exposed to a humid and corrosive atmosphere for a long time, it can ensure that the spiral shaft is not corroded or rusted, maintaining stable mechanical properties.
3. Good high temperature resistance
      Aluminum oxide has good thermal stability and a melting point of up to 2054 ℃. When the spiral shaft operates under high temperature conditions, such as in the transportation process of some high-temperature sintered materials or in the transportation links around furnaces in the metallurgical industry, the coating can ensure that the spiral shaft will not soften or deform due to high temperature, maintaining its normal operation and accuracy.
4. Good insulation properties
     Aluminum oxide is a poor conductor of electricity. In some conveying scenarios that require electrical insulation, such as the spiral shaft used to transport materials in electronic component production workshops, having aluminum oxide coating can avoid problems such as short circuits and damage to electronic components caused by accidental conductivity, and improve production safety.
5. Improve surface smoothness
     After the spraying process, the surface of the alumina coating can achieve a high degree of smoothness, which can reduce material adhesion and lower conveying resistance when conveying viscous materials such as syrup and coatings. This not only saves energy, but also makes the conveying process smoother and more continuous.
6. Biocompatibility and Hygiene
     Aluminum oxide coating is non-toxic and chemically stable. In industries with strict hygiene conditions such as food and medicine, the spiral shaft used for conveying products does not release harmful substances and is not prone to bacterial growth, meeting high standards of hygiene regulations.
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