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What is the difference between halar spraying and ordinary spraying

Source:en      Release date: 2022年05月20日
Information summary:In fact, from the name, we found that it is naturally impossible to be ordinary spray paint. Whether it is the selection of spray materials
Some people may have misunderstandings about halar spraying, thinking that it is no different from the ordinary spraying process. In fact, from the name, we found that it is naturally impossible to be ordinary spray paint. Whether it is the selection of spray materials, or the spraying process and procedures are not the same, it is much more complicated, otherwise it is impossible to make the material sprayed. After that, it will have good stability, flame retardancy, corrosion resistance and many other good performances.
The difference between halar spraying and ordinary spraying
    1. The choice of raw materials: often imported raw materials, Japan's Daikin, American DuPont and other manufacturers, not ordinary spraying can be seen everywhere.
    2. Adaptable material: It can be sprayed on copper, carbon iron, aluminum, stainless steel and even cement, and has a wide range of applications.
    3. Spraying method: It needs to go through many operations such as primer spraying, painting back, polishing, etc. It not only requires the surface of the sprayed material to be clean and smooth, but also has certain requirements for the thickness, generally between 0.4mm-1.6mm, The specific thickness is determined by customer requirements and the nature of the material itself.
    4. The difference in nature: of course, this is determined by the characteristics and physical properties of halar itself.
    5. Differences in characteristics after spraying: ordinary spraying may only have the functions of anti-rust and anti-oxidation, and the time is short, but after halar spraying, the material will withstand continuous high temperature of more than 100 degrees, and it also has the advantages of Better stability, acid and alkali resistance, anti-penetration and non-flammability, etc.
    6. Different colors: common colors are red, orange, black, brown, white and many other colors.
     Of course, due to the difference in cost and the need for precise spraying, the cost will naturally be much higher, but after all, the first-class price is first-class, and today's halar spraying technology has gradually matured, which has been affirmed by many manufacturers. . Speaking of this, if there is a need for customers, welcome to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding. We have rich experience in spraying and cooperate with many colleges and institutions. Quality first, honesty and trust, and trustworthy.
      The above is a brief introduction to the difference between halar spraying and ordinary spraying. If you want to know more details, welcome to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding.
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