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Take a closer look at the connection between everyday electrical appliances and halar spraying

Source:en      Release date: 2022年05月20日
Information summary:With the continuous improvement of halar spraying technology, the application range has also changed from industrial production to daily life.
With the continuous improvement of halar spraying technology, the application range has also changed from industrial production to daily life. The convenience and practicality brought by production and life cannot be ignored. Take the household baking pan we use for cooking as an example, ordinary metal materials obviously cannot withstand high temperature baking for a long time, and the same ordinary painting work naturally It is also not possible, and the surface of the baking pan can be easily resistant to high temperature by halar spraying, which greatly improves the practicability of the baking pan.
       Some people may worry about safety issues. After the ptfe lining, whether there will be residues on the surface of the material, and whether it can withstand high temperature and corrosion, there is no need to worry about this at all. In the industry, many metal materials have been After spraying, it can withstand high temperature, high pressure and corrosion for a long time, so daily life is not a problem. Take high temperature resistance as an example, after spraying, it can withstand a high temperature of 250 ° C, and our daily life cannot reach such a high temperature, so the safety issue is obviously over-considered.
       In fact, the chemical properties of halar spraying are very stable, and it is hardly corroded by any chemical reagents, even concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid cannot corrode it. Because of this, it can be said that it is more than enough to be used in our daily life. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and weather resistance, it can definitely prevent the iron pot from rusting as an iron pot inner village. This is a good proof. Of course, I believe , With the continuous progress and development of the spraying industry, it will be more closely related to our daily life, bringing us greater convenience and practicality.
      The above is a brief introduction to the connection between daily electrical appliances and halar spraying. If you want to know more details, please come to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding.
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