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Why ECTFE spraying will receive the attention and attention of many industries

Source:en      Release date: 2022年05月20日
Information summary:Through simple ECTFE spraying, all kinds of machined parts can have low friction coefficient and high wear resistance

Through simple ECTFE spraying, various processed parts can have low friction coefficient and high wear resistance, which will undoubtedly greatly increase their practicability and improve the service life of the equipment itself. Therefore, Many manufacturers and industries have begun to adopt this new type of spraying process. As a corrosion-resistant protective coating, it is widely used in chemical processing, pharmaceutical processing, food processing and semiconductor industries. When the processing parts need to be in contact with strong acids and alkalis at high temperatures, if other plastics are used as protective coatings, they will be exposed to high temperatures. Or strong acid and alkali damage, which is obviously not acceptable.
      In this case, it is recommended to use ECTFE spray as a protective coating on the surface of the part. In semiconductor, pharmaceutical and other industries, it can ensure that each working surface of the system has high smoothness, high cleanliness and chemical resistance, ECTFE spraying has high smoothness, and the coating surface finish is high compared to electropolished stainless steel surfaces , will not introduce other impurities to destroy the single crystal growth.
      ECTFE spraying and equipment quality are also closely related. Modern production naturally increases the quality of production products, and the same is true for efficiency. How to have good production efficiency and quality is naturally inseparable from production equipment. Subdivision That is to say, it is inseparable from the close cooperation of various parts. If some parts have problems or cannot be maintained in the corresponding production requirements, the quality of natural finished products will not meet the standard. The emergence of ECTFE spraying can solve this problem to a great extent. Through spraying, the material itself can have good heat resistance and corrosion resistance, which are not possessed by the material itself, which is obviously a problem for buyers. Happy to accept, after all, the places where many equipments are used still have certain high temperature and corrosiveness. But I also believe that with the continuous development and improvement of the spraying industry, it will provide protection for more industries and ensure the durability and practicability of the equipment.

      The above is a brief introduction of why ECTFE spraying has attracted the attention and attention of many industries. If you want to know more details, welcome to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding.
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