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Coating spraying of Teflon, tungsten carbide and alumina

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What kind of benefits does Suzhou Teflon spray bring to the surface of the workpiece

Source:en      Release date: 2022年05月20日
Information summary:Teflon coatings are widely used in metallurgy, petroleum industry, natural gas extraction, aerospace and other industrial fields.
 Teflon coatings are widely used in metallurgy, petroleum industry, natural gas extraction, aerospace and other industrial fields. Teflon coatings can not only withstand high temperatures, but also have good oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and bright colors.
  Suzhou Teflon spraying improves the quality of the workpiece to a certain extent, and at the same time significantly improves the performance of the product. The main reason is that Suzhou Teflon spraying can make the surface of the workpiece obtain various special properties such as wear resistance, heat resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, sealing, lubrication, insulation, anti-sticking and moisture resistance. Teflon sprays are used in a wide variety of applications, including ceramics, plastics, non-metallic minerals and composites, as well as metals and alloys. Teflon spray can be sprayed on metal, ceramic, glass and plastic surfaces.
   Therefore, it can repair the old and make good use of the waste in equipment maintenance, so that the scrapped parts can be "revived" and can also be strengthened and pre-protected in the manufacture of new products, so that they can "extend their lifespan". Therefore, Suzhou Teflon spraying technology can be widely used in aerospace, aviation, machinery, metallurgy, chemical, petroleum, coal, railway, textile and many other industries.
     The above is a brief introduction to the benefits of Teflon spraying on the surface of the workpiece. If you want to know more details, welcome to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding.
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