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Introduce the nine operating steps of ptfe lining

Source:en      Release date: 2022年05月20日
Information summary:With the continuous improvement of high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance requirements of materials, ptfe lining has gradually entered people's field of vision.
With the continuous improvement of the requirements for high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance of materials, ptfe lining has gradually entered people's field of vision. Relying on its good physical properties, it has been affirmed by many customers, but the specific steps for this type of spraying What is it like? I think many people don't know much about it and are very interested in it. To this end, I will introduce the nine steps of ptfe lining: Step 1: Check     whether there are pores, deformations, gaps and other poor welding conditions on the
     surface of the sprayed material .      Step 2: Preparation     1. Grinding: Use an angle grinder to carefully grind the burrs, welding slag, sharp corners, and sharp corners on the surface of the material.     2. Degreasing: Use 420 ℃ high temperature degreasing for empty burning, set the holding time according to the size and weight of the workpiece, and burn off the residual oil of the material.     3. Surface roughening: sandblasting adopts 5 to 7 kg air pressure, and the surface of 20# gold steel sand is evenly sandblasted.      Step 3: Pre-treatment of ptfe spraying     1. Put the workpiece on the inner shelf of the oven.     2. Use an air gun with a pressure of not less than 5kg to blow off the dust on the sandblasted surface.     3. Before spraying, the material is preheated and dried to remove the residual water on the surface.      Step 4: Preparation before primer spraying     1. Carry out vulcanization treatment 10 minutes ahead of the spray primer.     2. Check whether the powder output, static electricity and air pressure of the electrostatic spray gun are normal. If there are any abnormal problems, they should be solved in time to ensure smooth spraying.     3. Wear protective masks, glasses and dustproof clothing.      Step 5: Primer spraying     1. The material used is ECTFE special primer, and the specific type of primer is selected according to customer requirements.     2. The thickness of the sprayed film is about 0.16 mm, and the baking temperature is 280 °C.
     Step 6: The preparation work before
    coating is similar to primer spraying. Vulcanize the coating material 10 minutes in advance, and check whether the powder output, static electricity and air pressure of the electrostatic spray gun are normal. If there are any abnormal problems, they should be solved in time. Ensure smooth spraying.
     Step 7: Coating operation
    1. The material used is ECTFE type.
    2. The thickness of each spraying film is between 0.15mm-0.25mm.
    3. The sintering temperature is 260°C, and the holding time will vary according to the size and weight of the sprayed material.
    4. Repeat spraying and sintering.
     Step 8: Detect the coating
    1. Use a film thickness gauge to measure the thickness of the ptfe lining to check whether it meets the corresponding standard.
    2. Check the surface for chromatic aberration, sand, sagging, etc.
    3. Laser detection is carried out on the surface of the material through the coating detection technology, and no sparks are generated as the standard.
     Step 9: Pack and transport the materials. Pack the materials
    with bubble wrap and pearl cotton to avoid bumps and damages during transportation.
     The above is a brief introduction to the ptfe lining process. If you want to know more details, welcome to our Suzhou Xinrongfa Metal Products Co., Ltd. for consultation and understanding.
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